WDC XVI Berlin Team and contact

BerliCon WDC - August 3rd to 06th, 2006

The BerliCon WDC team consists of the DDB board (Deutscher Diplomacy-Bund), the BerliCon hosts and other supporters in the German hobby.


tel +49 (0) 30 - 42804633


DDB board:
André Ilievics (chairman), Julian Ziesing (vice chairman), Björn Oberscheven (treasurer), Attila Zarka (webmaster), Stefan Unger (other important stuff)


BerliCon hosts:
Julian Ziesing and Frank Oschmiansky


Initiators and concept:
André Ilievics, Sascha Hingst, Julian Ziesing, Frank Bacher, Arne Senftleben


Other supporters:
Sevin Cyrille, Philip Groth, André Ruddeck, Igor Kurt, Thomas Kolling, Dominik Panic


Shuttle and pick up service: Stefan
Tourism and nightlife: Sascha, André
Website: Attila
TD and rules: Julian, Frank B.


German "speaking" pbem communities:
Ludomaniac: www.ludomaniac.de
Lepanto: www.lepanto.de
Graue Substanz: www.graue-substanz.net

Special thanks to Woody and his game shop Galadriel!
